DIY Bookmarks a Fun Actuvity for Kids and Adults

Today I have a fun craft for everyone that you can do with things from around the house. This is a very very simple DIY/craft you can do when you feel creative We are making our own bookmarks. In order to make the bookmarks you can either repurpose old things from around the house or use any craft supplies you have. For this craft you’ll need: 1. A piece of cardboard or an old notebook with hard covers. 2. Glue  3. Scissors  4. Ruler or something to draw straight lines with. 5. Pencil  6. Stickers or newspaper scraps to decorate with. 7. A big book  Now let’s get into the steps: 1. Gather the things you will need. 2. Measure how long you want your bookmarks, I made two  sizes one 15x5 cm and one 14x4 cm, those are great sizes but honestly you can kind of eyeball it and make it however long you want it. 3. If you are making a cardboard one you probably only need one piece depending on the thickness, if you are using notebook covers I suggest u...

Indoor And Outdoor Plants For Beginners


This is a tour of my plants, where I live the climate is dry with cool summers and mild winters, my room and balcony are facing south. Most of these are easy to take care of plants and great for beginners.

First I will show you the plants that I have in my room facing a south window. 


These are my Aloe plants or aloe sisters as I call them I bought them a few months ago. I water them every 21 days with a little bit of water, as they like to be dryer. I have tied a string around them because I didn’t plant them deep enough and as a consequence the leaves are hanging really low and I am afraid they will break off. That’s why I have a string around them to hold the leaves together until I repot them in bigger pots. I cut the leafs quite frequently to use the aloe gel but they are still growing pretty well I would say.


This is my Orchid, Mona, I’ve had her for 2,5 years now I water her every 7 days by filling her pot with water leaving her like that for 30-45 minutes and then draining the water .She put out a new leaf a month ago and is now growing a new one again so I would say she is doing really good. 

Kalanchoe blossfelidiana 

 So these are my Kalanchoe Blossfelidianas I bought the one form Ikea many years ago probably 5 but it’s only the last year or two that I’ve been taking better care of her and she has given me so much growth and love constantly growing new leafs and flowering at least once a year. Her weird name kind of reminds me of Bloomingdales therefore she is called Bloomingdale. I used to water her every 7 days but I think that it was a little much so I now water her every 8 days and she is doing well. Last time she flowered was in June so I am waiting for her to bloom again soon because they blossom randomly. I had the first one in a smaller pot but because she grew so big I had to repot her in her current. With her old pot I propagated some of her branches by putting them in a cup of water for 2 weeks till they grow roots and them planted them in the small pot. This plant needs 3-4 hours of sun every day to be at its best, which doesn’t happen in my case but she is still thieving so low light conditions can also be fine with this plant

And now these are my outdoor plants that I have in my balcony . In the summer I watered all these plants every 4 days but now in the fall I water them every 6 days.

Unknown plant 

This plant was gifted to me a few months ago and he is doing really well, his name is lil peep 1. Because of the deceased rapper which I love very much 2. Because of the little purple flowers it has and purple sounds like peep yeah I don’t know any way. I don’t know the actual name of this plant, if you know what this plant is called please let me know so I can take better care of it. I put a little plate under the pot to keep the water in. Because of the winter coming I expect it to die soon, I just hope it will come back in the spring.


Here is my Mint plant I have had her for a few years now, her name is wild mint in Greek inspired by a Greek song. With watering I follow the same schedule with the other outdoor plants. This plant actually killed itself a few months ago out of the blue and a few weeks later it resurrected itself and now she is doing great.


This Snapdragon plant has a great story to tell, when I first bought it in the spring it wasn’t actually planted it was just branch of this plant stuck to the ground no roots. I realized this when I tried to repot it, I could have just thrown it out but I decided to do a little propagation situation. I just let in the soil and kept watering in like it was a real plant at first it almost died a couple times but then it finally grew roots and now she is doing amazing. She is Bitch because in Greek it’s called dogs, get it? Tis picture was taken a week ago and since then she has bloomed even more I don’t know she is amazing maybe it thrives in a little chiller climates.


This is my beautiful three colored Begonia pink, red and white she also amazing and one of my favorites she bloomed all summer with very rich colors and grew a little too. She has the same water schedule as the rest but in the summer actually she was less demanding than the rest of the plants and dealt better with heat. Her name is also hard to explain in English so we will leave her unnamed.


And finally these are my Basil bros, very high demand on water in the summer, the moment they get a little dry their leafs start to frown. But I love them what to do :/ .They are broadleaved basil plants and very fragrant.

All the plants on the balcony will die soon because of the cold weather, except for the mint which is great even in the winter.

As for other care I fertilize them with rice water every two weeks. The way I do it is whenever I cook rice I put it in a bowl of water beforehand for 5 minutes to clean the rice, then I keep the water that was in the bowl and pour it in my plants.

I hope I gave you some inspiration for plants or to pick up a new hobby. I love gardening and I think it's a great way to pass your time especially now that we are in quarantine. Lots of love I'm just a kid getting through life.

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